General terms and conditions
General terms and conditions
Below you can find the conditions for using the web site and its services. is the first company in the Armenian market to offer such services and innovative solutions.
The head office of the company is located at the address 15a Pushkin street, c. Yerevan, RA.
PASSENGER.AM LLC is registered in the State Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Armenia under the registration number: 286.110.1059186.
Privacy has a big responsibility for its clients’ information privacy protection and assures that no personal data will be provided to a third party, except for the cases precisely stipulated by the law. carefully complies with the Law on Protection of Personal Data.
Viewing and editing personal data
Pursuant to the RA Law on Protection of Personal Data you are entitled to view and edit the personal data that we have collected about you; for doing that, please e-mail to
Personal data registration process
The passenger’s personal data are used only pursuant to the below presented General Terms and Conditions. does not sell, provide to the third parties or publish personal data for commercial purposes, except for the cases stipulated by the RA Legislation, as well as except to the parties that have direct engagement in the present agreement, such as the banks, accounting companies, legal services, etc.
Use of personal data for marketing purposes
When providing marketing services to its partners may use its clients’ personal data and based on those data provide booklets to its clients, send them electronic or hard copy letters, SMSs, make calls and use other communication means on its behalf and/or on behalf of its partners. In order to avoid getting such information the client should inform on waiver about them by sending an email to or posting a letter at the address 15a Pushkin street, c. Yerevan, RA.
Relations connected with the functions presented in the web site
After receiving the online request studies it and files a corresponding application-claim addressed to the air company or involved companies for getting compensation. If for any reason it is not possible to organize it, shall inform you about that as promptly as possible. In the given process is a specialized mediator between the Passenger and the air carrier that has violated the law. The responsibility of in this process is very limited.
Online payments and compensations
By writing an online request directly on the website the Passenger authorizes to act on his/her behalf in the air company or in a company equal to the latter and engaged in the case (online and real offices performing purchase and sales of tickets, insurance companies etc.). The online compensation is paid to that charges the thirty (30) per cent of the received amount as a commission for the services it rendered. After that, within seven (7) working days informs the passenger and within ten (10) working days transfers to the passenger the compensation amount. Only in exceptional cases giving money in cash is permitted, provided there is an appropriate justification for it.
In case there is any problem related to online payment you may apply to by emailing to the address
Filing a claim does not bear responsibility for the air carrier’s or the company’s, that is equal to it, failure to respect the deadlines or to discharge its other obligations. However, as much as permitted by its capabilities, will do everything to protect its client’s, THE PASSENGER’S violated interests.
Please email your proposals and comments to or
Letters and spams
If you are a registered client it is possible that you may regularly receive letters from You may refuse from receiving those letters. In this case the button Unsubscribe that you can find in the received letter will be helpful for you. After that you will no longer receive letters from The only letter that you will receive from will be the confirmation letter on the receipt of your application. does not send spam. In order to get more detailed information you may write a letter to
In case of winning the case and receiving a compensation will charge the thirty (30) per cent of the received amount as a commission for the services it rendered.
Copyright protection is a registered trademark. It is forbidden to use, imitate, translate and/or disseminate the trademark without permission. If you are interested in the information placed on the website of, please apply to by emailing to .
Responsibility saves no efforts for providing the best services to its clients. does not bear responsibility for the technical failures of the website and for the possible malfunction of the corresponding service. and the present Agreement are regulated by the Republic of Armenia Legislation. reserves the right to modify the general terms and conditions within the framework of its charter and legislation, without any prior notification. © 2025 – All the rights are reserved